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A Theory On Life The Universe & Everything... Gnostic Reasonism Explained... Part 1







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The Universal Godhead

Not the Bible god of Abraham or any other god named by the human race, but an evolved and natural intelligence existing as membranes in a ‘bulk space’ outside this physical universe, origin and source of the singularity which proceeded from the membranes touching to produce the ‘big bang’ and as an evolved bodiless being is permeating this physical universe with sensor & changer particles, which are connected by way of being a D-Brane particle string, a layer of reality.

Also, an asexual reproducer of offspring of its own who are of lesser capacity and of varying strengths and natures; those we call gods and have named.

The Nature of The Universal Godhead

(Interpretations of selected sections of the so called ‘Gnostic Gospels’, found at Nag Hammadi, which can be used to lend weight to ‘Gnostic Reasonist thinking).

Gives shape to the unstructured and gives mass to the insubstantial.

Has an essence which is in the imperceptible; has a form that cannot be defined by words or images and is a ‘mind’ beyond human comprehension.

Is the mind by which matter was conceived and the matter itself, the origin, source and sustenance of all life and the owner and origin of all that exists.

When recognized, properly communed with and wholly possessed by this being it enhances and gives meaning to life, engenders love, brings certainty to living, gives understanding and provides protection.

It lives within all things, is the life of all things and can be seen in all existent things when recognized as being existent.

Is the source of all understanding and is understanding, itself.

When possessed by it, it sustains life, enhances life and unifies all things in one.

It is all matter and it is that which binds matter.

All separate things are one in this being and therefore all things are within and through the Universal Godhead and so all things are both disparate and indivisible.

All matter, the forming of it and the life forms it takes existed in the mind of the Universal Godhead before becoming ‘actual’.

All those who recognize and choose to be nothing in order to be possessed by the Universal Godhead become the Universal Godhead and achieve grace.

All living things sense the existence of the Universal Godhead and seek to know and understand this being. Few succeed in finding the way to be in the presence of this being. Jesus revealed the way to be in the presence of this being; to deny the self, become possessed by the Universal Godhead and so become an Aeon, stage by stage. The one who sets out on the path to becoming an Aeon is one who has a love and a longing for the perfect, complete discovery of the Universal Godhead.

Aeons are those who evolve into higher and higher levels of awareness and the more willing they are to give themselves up to exist as vessels for the Universal Godhead the more they become as the Universal Godhead is.

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